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August 25th, 2022

If your nights are spent tossing and turning, and if your nights are when you feel

you’re overthinking limits reach to the max- You need a good night’s sleep. But you
already knew that given from the dark circles on your face and how your morning
moods are always sleepy and grumpy.

The average amount of time spent sleeping tends to decrease as people age. The
way your body regulates the circadian cycles also undergoes certain modifications.
Your body responds to fluctuations in light and darkness, all thanks to its internal
body clock. It may get more difficult to fall asleep and remain asleep all night long as
one grows old.

Everybody occasionally has difficulties sleeping, but when it continues every day, it
can become a serious issue. Sleeplessness can have detrimental impacts on our
health, intensifying our risk of weight gain, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes in
addition to making us cranky and exhausted.

So, if you’re really tired of feeling tired but still stuck on one sheep, two sheeps, three

sheeps? These tips can help-

1. Exercise

Not only can taking brisk daily walks help you lose weight, but they will also help you
sleep better at night. Melatonin and other naturally occurring sleep chemicals work
better when exercised. Just be mindful of when you exercise, as right before bedtime
it might be stimulating and may give you more energy than you need. It’s a good idea

to exercise in the morning because it exposes you to natural sunlight that will support
the body’s innate circadian rhythm.

2. Your Bed Should be Your Trigger to Sleep

Keep your work mails, messages and mindset away from your bedroom. Avoid using
your bed as a workplace to take calls or answer email messages. With online work
taking precedence in today’s world, it’s only fair for your bed to encourage your body
to sleep and not be a trigger for restlessness. This means, you shouldn’t be
consuming your late night shows on your bed either!

3. Make Your Bedroom a Haven of Comfort

If you think your mobile phone and TV are the only two big distractions in your room,
you’re wrong. The ambience you create in your bedroom can affect your sleeping
patterns largely. If your room is messy then that’s how your mind would feel like. A
messy mind doesn’t lead to a good night’s sleep, it leads to a messy morning. You
would want to keep your bedroom really quiet, dark, cool and cosy. You could even
think of purchasing an aroma diffuser, because it has been found out that it really
helps you to sleep.

4. Bedtime Rituals are Must

As a kid, you had a bedtime routine of your mother or father reading you out a
storybook and then tucking you to sleep. It wired your brain into thinking that it’s time
to sleep. The same can be done now, even though you’re an adult. Like it’s said,
modern problems require modern solutions, you can have a series of routines that
will significantly help you at night.

They serve as a way of alerting the body and mind that bedtime is approaching. You
could savour a warm milk glass. Take a shower. Or try listening to some relaxing
music before bed.

5. Don’t Overstuff Your Tummy with Food

Remember how your mid-night cravings won’t let you sleep? Apparently, if you eat
too much and overstuff your stomach, you have even less chances of sleeping. You
must avoid eating your heart full two or three hours before your bedtime. You have to
keep in mind to eat modestly, eat healthy, and eat a balanced diet. If you feel really
hungry, then you can keep an alternative like apples or crackers.

6. Learn to Relax

The stress which you endure during the day, like the ever increasing to-do-list and
the mounting payments, has a habit of re-surfacing itself at night. Your adrenaline
rush of fight or flight gets activated and this interferes with your sleep.

Give yourself enough time to unwind before bed. Learning how to calm your mind
can help you sleep better and feel less anxious during the day. Try deep breathing
techniques to feel relaxed.

Sleep is the Best Meditation

A good night’s sleep is what recharges you for the day. The next morning, you feel
energized and full of life. That’s how you break the cycle of insomnia!

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